Mo Romale, Mo Siavale

Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale
Mo Romale, Mo Siavale

*You Roma, You People
Karàcsonyfalva, Transsilvania, Rumänia 2018

The Gàbor-Roma still belong to a relatively unknown community in Europe, which acts and lives according to a value system that is foreign to our western world today and thus also to our understanding of European values. Their traditions and cultural attitudes often lead to exclusion in their own country. It is important to question to what extent these prejudices are well-founded or are unwittingly formed. Because this is currently also addressing one of the most burning questions of the EU: Can Europe in its diversity still be understood as a common cultural area? In which direction should the Europe of tomorrow develop?

The intention of my photographic work is to gain a closer insight into the community and traditions of the Gábor-Roma in Romania in order to enable them to gain a better understanding and sensitivity by paying attention to their culture and dignity.